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RE: [ba-unrev-talk] Denning & quality

Very cool.    (01)

Are you connecting Denning and Deming?    (02)

Peter has been writing some great things about our relationship to work,
commitments, and success/mastery/expertise.  He writes the "Profession of
IT" column in the Communications of the ACM and I commend his latest article
to the readers of this list, since it has a lot to say about the prospects
of expert systems and the difference in educational modes for experts as
opposed to beginners and entry professionals.  I think this has a big impact
on augmentation and what one can expect from it.    (03)

Denning, Peter J.  Career Redux.  column: The Profession of IT.  Comm. ACM
45, 9 (September 2002), 21-26.    (04)

I don't think it is on-line (yet).    (05)

-- Dennis    (06)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ba-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org
[mailto:owner-ba-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org]On Behalf Of Henry K van Eyken
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:53
To: ba-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org
Subject: [ba-unrev-talk] Denning & quality    (07)

With a name like Denning and writing about value skills, this commands a
read:    (08)

http://www.acm.org/ubiquity/views/p_denning_2.html    (09)

(but I am off to scholl now).    (010)

Henry    (011)