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Re: [ba-unrev-talk] Where is Doug?

Question:    (01)

Since, "Doug Engelbart has proposed the design and implementation of a
Hyperscope as a first  step towards the OHS and says: "Tom Phelps's Multivalent
Browser is a candidate Hyperscope application" <
http://www.bootstrap.org/ohs/research.jsp#nid019 >, then why are we not focusing
more of our ba-unrev-talk and collaborative efforts on the Multivalent Browser
for "Re-inventing Scholarly Information Dissemination and Use" <
http://dlp.cs.berkeley.edu/ > ?    (02)

"Dennis E. Hamilton" wrote:    (03)

> Mei Lin,
> Thank you for the links.
> I notice that the second one is identical to the first.  Please repost the
> link for the 1992 paper.
>         -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
> I reread the Draft OHS Project Plan. I had forgotten this.  I notice that I
> don't operate in reference to it.  I have some quick impressions, ones I may
> have held back in the past:
> 1.  The OHS Project Plan is rather fixed, or seems so. In that it has an
> implicit architecture and approach, and some details are stated.  It is like
> here is what to build, but not enough grounding in what is being provided
> and then what is the room for flexibility in achieving that.  This is an
> impression, on a Thursday morning where I am fighting a cold.  I apologize
> for not having a more-reasoned analysis.  But it is kind of like walking
> into a richly-plotted movie in the middle. A difficulty I find is that I am
> not sure what is essential and what is incidental or merely a suggested
> implementation.  It's like the answer is already in hand.  So I've been
> ignoring that or maybe even paying lip-service to it.  I'm enrolled in the
> OHS concept but not so much that this is the form it has to take.
> 2.  I notice that there is a big assumption about translators and having an
> intermediate form.  That's a major presumption, and the computer/information
> science's track record at that sort of thing is not terribly great.  I am
> interested in that aspect, but it is not clear that we have a good model for
> working the legacy cases with much economy.  (I swear I raised this concern
> before, but it might not have been here.)  In many ways, this could end up
> the same as trying to solve the problem the semantic web is intended to
> address.  I am personally not that confident about the prospects here.  (I
> think a huddle between Doug and Terry Winograd might be valuable in this
> context.)
> 3.  Well then, what is a lad to do.  I must be hanging out here for some
> reason better than pissing on someone else's parade.
> 3.1 I think there is a lot of ground that has not been covered in supporting
> collaborative work via the internet and digital resources. That's an
> intellectual posture for me though, not one grounded in deep experience.
> And I just have it that there is a pony in here somewhere.  And this forum
> has people who have rich experience and many bright ideas.
> 3.2 The requirement for legacy support, publicly-owned specifications and
> formats, and architectures that outlive their creators are all very
> important.
> 3.3 It is when I step back and see what lights me up in this endeavor, it is
> how it features in the eternal quest to know who we are, where we are, and
> what's it about.  And the community of seekers is distributed over time (a
> few thousand years at least) and space (this planet and orbital space, at
> least).  The structure that holds our endeavors in existence is writing,
> language, and culture, now expanding into cyberspace.  And it is with these
> structures that we support the cooperative and coordinated activities of
> human society, situating ourselves in the endless journey.
> -- orcmid
> ------------------
> Dennis E. Hamilton
> http://NuovoDoc.com/
> mailto:dennis.hamilton@acm.org
> tel. +1-206-932-6970
> cell +1-206-779-9430
>      The Miser Project: http://miser-theory.info/
>      AIIM DMware: http://DMware.info/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ba-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org
> [mailto:owner-ba-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org]On Behalf Of Mei Lin Fung
> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 08:49
> To: ba-unrev-talk@bootstrap.org
> Subject: [ba-unrev-talk] Where is Doug?
> [ ... ]
> 1962 http://www.bootstrap.org/augment/AUGMENT/133182-0.html
> The seminal paper: Augmenting the Human Intellect
> 1992 http://www.bootstrap.org/augment/AUGMENT/133182-0.html
> Towards High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware
> 2000 http://www.bootstrap.org/augment/BI/2120.html
> Draft OHS Project Plan
> It is one of Doug's strongest regrets that there has been insufficient
> interest and discussion on the BI2120 paper which appeared in October
> 2000.
> [ ... ]
> Mei Lin Fung
> mlf@bootstrap.org
> [ ... ]    (04)

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