[unrev-II] Outpost Organizations

From: Daniela U.Trocan (dtconsult@netscape.net)
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 10:29:52 PST

From: Daniela U.Trocan <dtconsult@netscape.net>

Oooops! Pressed the wrong button before my message was ready to go out.

What I wanted to suggest was that we may want to include on the list of
'outpost organizations' those who are working on creating more effective ways
of co-evolution at the conscience level, so we can begin looking at ways in
which they may be able to support a global technological bootstrapping effort
-- facilitate the transference of knowledge from specialists to users in a way
that creates the most opportunity for progress, immediately comes to mind.
(An example is Dee Hock's Chaordic Alliance that has already been mentioned a
few times). I have others in mind as well, but I would very much like to hear
what other people have to say about this.

I must confess that as a coach I am biased about working for individual and
organizational progress from the inside out, but I also think that bringing
our respective biases together can be an important boost to the collective


Daniela U. Trocan
Business Coach

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