Re: [unrev-II] Knowledge Space

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 18:11:57 PST

  • Next message: Rod Welch: "[unrev-II] What does Augmen/NLS do?"

    Hmmm. Interesting points.

    Is pointing to a web site where useful code might be
    found the same as "contributing" the code? It strikes
    that using the code would then require an action on
    the part of the users. That action would take place
    outside of any specific "permission to use" agreement.

    What happens in that case, anyway? (Since I plan on
    publishing an entire node library at some point, I
    ask out of concern for who *else* in the world might
    sue my ass into oblivion for being foolish enough to
    simply make code available without a 10 page legal
    agreement to protect me against people who rely on it
    being bug free, and who count on it to do the accounting
    for their fly-by-night operation...

    I wonder, too, how someone can possibly be held liable
    for any represenation of performance in the absence of
    reciprocal performance by the second party? If there is
    no reciprocation, there is no contract. If there is no
    contract, there is no obligation. So if I put it out
    there for free, there is no liablity on my part, no matter
    who uses it. Right? Right?????

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