[unrev-II] Fwd: O. Carver's response to F. Sudia's reply

From: Jack Park (jackpark@thinkalong.com)
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 19:09:26 PDT

  • Next message: John J. Deneen: "Re: [unrev-II] FYI: Correlate Knowledge Maps for Lotus Notes & MS SharePoint Portal Server"

    Food for thought...

    >From: Owen Carver <ocarver@willamette.edu>
    >Reply-To: gbrain@listserv.vub.ac.be
    >Hello GB mailing list group,
    > I've discovered a flaw to my theory with the help of Frank
    > Sudia. The following is my response to his reply, it is very much on the
    > topic of the Global Brain. I feel it is very important because the
    > following, I feel, speaks of the best way for each of us to accelerate
    > and advance the Global Brain.
    > "Frank,
    > I deeply appreciate your response to my e-mail. I agree with you in
    > the analysis of my quote, "When humans make 'bad
    >decisions[...] it is because of a lack of knowledge, lack of education, or
    >lack of information." This assumption of mine is
    >flawed and does not take into consideration of humans with truely
    >ill-hearted motives. That even if a person were given all of
    >the right information that any single person could possibly learn in ones
    >lifetime, or ever, that person might still make the wrong
    >decision simply because, well, humans have emotions and aren't perfect.
    > My theory is also faulted in it's lack of inclusion of internal
    > mental processes. If a human knows everything there is to know, that
    > human doesn't neccessarily have to understand, or keep conscious, that thing.
    > I should modify my assumptions, thanks to your comments I feel I have
    > found and learned something that I would not have
    >taken into account before had you not mentioned it.
    > Perhaps there are three things that need to be improved upon,
    > Education, Knowledge, and Thought Processes.
    > Frank, am I headed in the right direction here? Is there any hope
    > for this crack pot blanket theory?
    > Originally I had decided to include this theory in the mailing list
    > because although it does not in nature require or pursue the
    >creation of a Global Brain, it does however advance it more than any other
    >possible improvements, whether they be in
    >computer science, business theory, or the invention of some new type of
    >networking system. The only reason that I believed
    >this theory was because Education and Communication are both things which
    >not only have great immediate benefits to those
    >people who utilize them but they also have exponentially expanding
    >influence and procreation over time through those people
    >first benefited by them and so on...
    > I'm not sure if we're in exact understanding of what I first meant by
    > and intended for this theory to do, but perhaps through
    >a dialogue such as this we might be able to better understand each other.
    > The way I came up with this theory was thinking of my life as a short
    > and fleeting spark in the infinite expanse of time. I
    >thought to myself, "I will soon be dead and will have only had this one
    >small opportunity to affect change on this human
    >world." So I wanted to think of what would be the best way to
    >exponentially benefit human society and advancement during
    >my short lifetime. And in such a way that after I die those things worked
    >on in my lifetime will continue to grow and benefit
    >mankind on a larger and larger scale and depth.
    > After much thinking, I came up with the wild idea that I during my
    > lifetime could actually accomplish this task by simply
    >improving two things, communication (as in any way in which humans
    >communicate) and education (in every form of the
    >word). Was I wrong? With little modification could I be right? My idea
    >as stated before as 'exponentially benefiting' society,
    >now and for years to come is something that is very real to me, that I
    >truely believe can be done.
    > The two assumptions that I attatched to the theory came much later
    > and do not do the theory any real descriptive justice.
    > I would like to hear more of your thoughts on this matter if you
    > would be so kind as to help me come closer to making my
    >vision a more possible reality.
    >Owen Carver
    >"K. S. Ryan" wrote:
    >>RE: Education and Communication, these are the human scale equivalents of
    >>the universal effort: information and comunication. Stellar atomic fusion,
    >>DNA replication, evolution, memes, culture, software, GB.... The import of
    >>these two intrinsically related themes cannot be overstated.
    >>The Great Techno Divide will get worse before it gets better, as info
    >>cultures continue to accelerate towards singularity.
    >>Regarding the rest of the earthlings, I can tell you that many techno
    >>laggards will skip industrialization and go straight to info. The third
    >>world countries I've visited are all well stocked with internet cafes,
    >>monitors all tuned to the ubiquitous Hotmail sign-in page. The communist
    >>capitol of Laos, Vietienne, might have two paved roads, but has several web
    >>cafes with locals talking into headsets or browsing away. India has an
    >>exploding international customer service call-in industry (nearly a billion
    >>english-speakers), as well as rapidly sophisticating computer science. They
    >>are very strong in math, but Dehli has few street lights. It's really
    >>strange to be in a web cafe while watching buffalo herded down the street,
    >>but this is all over the third world. Kathmandu has no factories, but plenty
    >>of up-links, a strong work ethic, and regicide aside, a blissfull lifestyle.
    >>Just gotta keep the deciples of Mao away. Funny thing is though, these
    >>Mao-ists are strongest where the rural way is most removed from the urban.
    >>They are a revolt against being left behind.
    >>True that most third-worlders live in pastoral innocence, ignorant of the
    >>whys and hows of stock-market powered techno applications. True that they
    >>are jealous of both our way of life and theirs. Except for some Luddites in
    >>Afganistan or wherever, most seem to understand that the wave of change is
    >>coming their way: they can feel the buzz building.
    >>How to get the back of the line to move with the front is a problem as old
    >>as water pouring from a bowl. The back just wont move until the preasure
    >>directs it (Im no fluid dynamic engineer, but the principle is the same for
    >>pouring water, moving traffic through a light, marching armies, and, it
    >>seems, techno dvlpmnt on earth).
    >>China is skipping land lines for telecom and going straight to cell. Same
    >>with most 3rd world. Much faster and efficient to dvlp. Maybe the UN should
    >>have a huge educational program for science. Seed the countries with
    >>My point is that there is no stopping or slowing techno progress. But the
    >>third world comes on line at our level, tapped directly into us. They dont
    >>have to go through all the evolutionary stages of the ages. They step
    >>directly from iron to info.

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