Re: [unrev-II] Re: Can IBIS be useful for individual/asynchronous collaboration?

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 14:24:04 PST

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Hyperbee"

    Simon Buckingham Shum wrote:

    > On making Pros and Cons nodes or links:

    I suspect that the interface could make the distinction mostly
    irrelevant to the user, couldn't it?

    For example, I create a new argument ("bubble sorts take a long
    time") or find a long-winded version of it somewhere and transclude
    it into a design discussion. Then I label that argument "con", or

    When I select that label, the underlying system may well know that
    it applies to the link, and not to the node. Other labels may apply
    to the node. As the user, it's probably irrelevant to me which is
    which. When creating one, you would have to know. But the user
    could easily be oblivious to the difference.

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