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[movies]1968 Demo - FJCC Conference Presentation Reels #1-3 - SRI International
Also known as the "Mother of All Demos", Doug Engelbart's presentation at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco, December 9, 1968 titled "A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect." For this presentation, Doug and his team astonished the audience by not only relating their research, but demonstrating it live. This was the debut of the mouse, interactive computing, hypermedia, computer supported software engineering, video teleconferencing, etc...
Keywords: 1968 Demo Presentation, FJCC
[movies] 1969 Demo - ASIS Conference Presentation Reels #1-3 - SRI International
One year after his now-famous "Mother of All Demos", Doug Engelbart and his team present their work at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science (ASIS), in San Francisco, CA, October 1, 1969. This live demo presentation, titled "Augmentation Systems and Information Science", was filmed on 3 reels: Reel 1, Reel 2, Reel 3
Keywords: 1969 Demo Presentation, ASIS
[movies]1986 ACM - The Augmented Knowledge Workshop - ACM
Doug Engelbart's presentation at the ACM Conference on the History of Personal Workstations, Palo Alto, CA, January 9-10, 1986, in which he details the evolutionary development of his seminal work, including NLS design rationale, implementation and usage by his team, leading up to the 1968 demo and beyond. Includes historic photos plus 20 minutes of footage excerpted from the historic demo. See also Doug's paper Workstation History and The Augmented Knowledge Workshop, published in the conferenc...
Keywords: Presentation, 1986 AKW, Engelbart
[movies]1986 ACM Highlights of the 1968 Demo - ACM
Highlights of Doug Engelbart's 1968 Demo. Doug selected these clips to show in his Workstation History and the Augmented Knowledge Workshop presentation at the 1986 ACM Conference on the History of the Personal Workstation.
Keywords: 1968 Demo, Highlights, FJCC
[movies]1987 "Description & Demonstration of the Augment System" - Stanford University
Doug Engelbart presentation at the 1987 Computer Systems Colloquium at Stanford University. Includes a demo of Augment beginning at 29:10.
Keywords: Demo, Presentation, Engelbart
[movies]1988 CSCW Colloquium, Tape #1-3 - Boeing
Dave Carter and Doug Engelbart of McDonnell Douglas Corporation presenting at a Boeing CSCW Colloquium in Seattle, WA, in September 1988. In three parts: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Keywords: Presentation
[movies]1990 Norton's Augment Handbook Demo
Jim Norton demonstrates Augment support of complex project collaborations and resulting repositories, aka "handbooks" (a Doug Engelbart term for 'what is the current picture of the dynamically evolving knowledge that a team is needing to operate on' see DKR for more detail). Jim joined Doug's research team in the late 1960s and later went on to manage the Augment group at Tymshare, Inc.
Keywords: Demo, Augment Handbook, Norton, Engelbart
[movies]1991 Engelbart/Seybold, Together We Can Get There - Patricia Seybold Group
Patricia Seybold interviews Doug Engelbart on high-performance organizations and what it will take to achieve them. See also Patricia's subsequent two-part article Doug Engelbart's Design for Knowledge-Based Organizations.
Keywords: Interview, Engelbart, Seybold
[movies]1992 Bootstrap Seminar 03/24-26 Sessions #1-12 - Doug Engelbart Institute
Doug Engelbart's three-day management seminar at Stanford University, March 24-26, 1992. This seminar, titled "A Comprehensive Strategy for Bootstrapping Organizations Into the 21st Century" features in-depth coverage of his strategic vision, presented in twelve sessions (four sessions per day). See the Bootstrap Seminar resources page for links to all 12 videos, plus the slide handouts and recommended reading for the seminar.
Keywords: Presentation, Bootstrap Seminar, Engelbart
[movies]1993 Computer Pioneer Award and Distinguished Lecture Series - IEEE
Doug Engelbart is awarded the IEEE Computer Pioneer Award, and presents the Distinguished Lecture at the 1993 IEEE 26th International Conference on System Sciences, in Honolulu, Hawaii, January 5-8, 1993. For slides see Bootstrap "Paradigm Map".
Keywords: Presentation, Award, Paradigm Map
[movies]1994 CSCW Highlights of the 1968 Demo - ACM
Highlights of Doug Engelbart's 1968 Demo. This version produced for the 1994 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work [or was it for the ACM 1994 "Engelbart Award" established by the International Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia?]
Keywords: 1968 Demo Highlights, CSCW94
[movies]1995 Bootstrap Seminar - Boosting Collective IQ - Tapes #1-2 - Doug Engelbart Institute
Doug Engelbart with Christina Engelbart presenting a half-day management seminar titled "Boosting Collective IQ: A Design for Dramatic Improvements in Productivity, Effectiveness and Competitiveness, at the Bootstrap Institute in Fremont, CA, July 1, 1995. An informal, intimate seminar using the Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" presentation. Captured on home video equipment. In two parts: Part 1 / Part 2
Keywords: Presentation, Bootstrap Seminar, Paradigm Map
[movies]1995 IBM NPUC Augment and Bootstrap Institute - IBM
From the Third Annual Workshop on New Paradigms For Using Computers, IBM Almaden Research Center, July 27, 1995, this video compilation includes highlights from all six speakers. For Doug Engelbart's talk, see 14:22 thru 18:06; for his slides see Bootstrap "Paradigm Map".
Keywords: Presentation, Engelbart, Paradigm Map
[movies]1995 JCN Profiles Interview - Jones Computer Network
Doug Engelbart featured on JCN Profiles: Visionary leaders of the Information Age, a production of the Mind Extension University Education Network, March 1995. Host: Marc Doyle. For Doug's slides see Bootstrap "Paradigm Map". See also more about JCN Profiles.
Keywords: interview with Doug Engelbart
[movies]1995 Keynote Lecture at UCSB Glen Culler Honorary Lecture Event - UC Santa Barbara
Doug Engelbart's keynote lecture at the 1995 Glen Culler Honorary Lecture Event at University of California in Santa Barbara, CA. Following other tributes to Glen and announcement of the Glen Culler Scholarship Fund, Doug's Keynote is introduced at 19:25, in which he shares his own tribute to his long-time friend and colleague, as well as presenting his own work past, present and future (the latter beginning at 52:06), ending on a personal note at 1:20:09.
Keywords: Presentation, Doug Engelbart, Glen Culler, UCSB
[movies]1996 Vannevar Bush Symposium, Session #2 - Doug Engelbart - Brown/MIT
Doug Engelbart's presentation at the The Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium in 1996. Introduced by host and long-time friend Andy van Dam, Doug recounts his discovery of Vannevar's work, briefly describes the unfolding of his own work and what's next using his Bootstrap "Paradigm Map", and shares his wish that, had he known Vannevar was still alive in 1968, he would have sent him the film of his 1968 demo...
Keywords: Vannevar Bush Symposium
[movies]1998 ACM Turing Award Lecture at CSCW98 - ACM
Doug Engelbart's ACM Turing Award Lecture presented at the 1998 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, in Seattle, WA, November 16, 1998. Doug is introduced by Saul Greenberg beginning at 02:45, and Doug appears at 17:15. Doug's talk is titled "Bootstrapping Our Collective Intelligence". His slides from Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" are not captured on the video.
Keywords: Presentation, Award, Engelbart ACM Turing Award Lecture
[movies]1998 Engelbart/Garrett, Management Presentation - Proctor & Gamble
A corporate presentation by Doug Engelbart and Todd Garrett to the latter's Management Systems Global Leadership Team at Proctor & Gamble in Cincinnati, OH, February 26, 1998. Includes selective footage of the 1968 demo, followed by one of the most insightful one on one discussions of his work, and one of the best overview presentations of Doug's vision, ever captured (on high quality video, no less)...
Keywords: Presentation, Engelbart, Paradigm Map
[movies]1999 Keynote - Boosting Collective IQ, Bootstrapping CSCL - Stanford University
Doug Engelbart's keynote address at the 1999 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference at Stanford University, December 13, 1999. (Audio a bit flakey in parts) See also Conference Proceedings and Doug's slides selected from his Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" presentation.
Keywords: Presentation, Engelbart, Keynote, Paradigm Map, Stanford CSCL
[movies]2000 Distinguished Speaker - Open-Source Approach to [...] Collective Knowledge Work - Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Doug's lecture "Open-Source Approach to Large-Scale System Evolution for Collective Knowledge Work" presented at the 2000 Distinguished Speaker Series, Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Keywords: Presentation, Engelbart
[movies]2008 Bootstrap Dialogs - Boosting Collective IQ - Timecoded Days #1-4 - Doug Engelbart Institute
[Timecode Version] From the Bootstrap Dialogs Project – Doug Engelbart, Jeff Rulifson, and Christina Engelbart discuss the Bootstrap "Paradigm Map" in-depth at Stanford Video - Stanford University's television studios. This is the timecoded raw footage capturing the dialog, which can then be used to create summaries and/or detailed videos about Doug's strategic vision. These discussions were filmed in four sessions: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4.
Keywords: Paradigm Map
[movies]2008 SRI, Highlights of the 1968 Demo - SRI International
Edited highlights of Doug Engelbart's 1968 Demo produced by SRI International to be shown at the 40th anniversary celebration of the demo Engelbart and the Dawn of Interactive Computing, December 9, 2008. This was a semi-final draft. See also SRI's finished annotated ten-snippet Highlights of the 1968 Demo.
Keywords: 1968 Demo Highlights
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Doug Engelbart Institute
SRI International
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