Re: [unrev-II] human versus tool systems

From: Eric Armstrong (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 15:52:24 PST

  • Next message: "Re: [unrev-II] DKR Specification"

    From: Eric Armstrong <>

    Eugene Kim wrote:
    > One thought that I had at last week's session, as we were discussing
    > Doug's five diagrams, was that language should fall under the tool
    > systems
    > category rather than human systems. This led me to wonder whether
    > there
    > was a better way of differentiating between human and tool systems. I
    > came up with some potential solutions, but I'm not completely
    > satisfied
    > with any of them, and if I tried to describe my thought-process here,
    Sorry, but the only way for the ideas to improve and benefit from
    group collaboration is to express them -- even if, or *especially if*
    they are not fully thought out.

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