Cascade Collaborative Document Processor was: Re: [unrev-II] Fw: $60 Million in Funding for High-Risk Research -- Proposers? Meetings

From: Jack Park (
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 11:04:14 PST

  • Next message: John J. Deneen: "Re: Cascade Collaborative Document Processor was: Re: [unrev-II] Fw: $60 Million in Funding for High-Risk Research -- Proposers? Meetings"

    From: Jack Park <>

    > Home page is

    From that page, we motor around and eventually stumble on this one:

    "Welcome to the home page for CASCADE. CASCADE is a research initiative to
    study the development of net based collaborative authoring systems. CASCADE
    stands for Computer Augmented Support for Collaborative Authoring and
    Document Editing. Over the last couple of years, I have made a number of
    presentations of CASCADE. I have selected two that provide slightly
    different introdcutions for inclusion here: "

    There is even software you can download. Not open source, near as I can

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