[unrev-II] Anti-Terrorism Task Force??

From: Eric Armstrong (eric.armstrong@sun.com)
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 11:09:17 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Armstrong: "Re: [unrev-II] Fwd: [xml-dev] Pakistan has an English-language weblog"

    Has anyone heard anything more about the creation of
    an ant-terrorism task force? I heard one mention of it
    a few days ago on the news, and nothing since. (The
    idea is that it would bridge the gap between the FBI's
    after-the-fact investigation of internal events and the
    CIA's outward-looking international efforts.)

    The reason I ask is that a potentially serious avenue of
    attack has occurred to me, along with possible measures
    to proactively defeat it. I won't speculate on the nature
    of the attack, because to do so in a public forum would
    be irresponsible. But I would appreciate hearing of some
    venue in which to share the information.


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