Re: [unrev-II] Visual stimuli & IBIS methodology

Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 16:27:31 PST

  • Next message: Eugene Eric Kim: "Re: [unrev-II] Re: "self-healing" systems / cyc / personal ontologies / teaching"

    By upgrading the frame of reference, I meant that I think this is an
    important skill that deserves greater focus and attention. Being good at
    shaping a collaborative shared display, including skill with the various
    algebras, such as IBIS, can be powerful and transformative. Also, that it's
    useful not to think of it as an anyone-can-do-it skill, but that shouldn't
    limit its appeal.

    Getting the form and contents of a real-time shared display 'right' (unless
    using a highly prescribed form, such as some group decision support
    systems) might more usefully be thought of as a artistic/performance skill
    than a 'using software' skill. (By real-time shared display, I mean a
    software display in use by a group of people focusing on a single
    representation, whether in a face-to-face or virtual meeting). This is
    especially true when the problem at hand is to give useful shape to a
    wide-ranging, incoherent, or divergent discussion when that discussion is
    not meeting the needs of the people having it.

    For example, think about being the person 'capturing' a corporate meeting
    about some organizational initiative that is going all over the place,
    leaving the participants frustrated, annoyed, and/or disenfranchised. The
    'data' (things people are saying) is not coming in a useful way. To add
    value and coherence, the real-time capturer must give shape to what they
    are hearing in such a way that it helps the group do what they are trying
    to do, rather than just adding more noise to the signal.

    I'd be happy to expand even more :-)


    > I've started to think that perhaps we need to upgrade the frame of
    > reference we use for the skill required to create useful "algebras" for
    > collaborative design and decision-making. The toughest part is getting
    > initial real-time 'capture' right.

    Could you expand on both these points more, please?


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