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Re: [ba-ohs-talk] rough draft of graph model paper

On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Henry K van Eyken wrote:    (01)

> 1. On the "tool system" side of things, a comment about fine-grained
> addessability (while mindful of that old adage that fools rush in where angels
> fear to tread) shouldn't there be also a way of pointing to fine-grained
> features in graphics and tables? In the case of graphics, it would be nice to
> create a link that effectively employs the co-ordinates of a mouse pointer.
> (Application: I may wish to point to a detail in the reproduction of a painting
> and others may wish to see what kind of attention various details of a painting
> have received.) In the case of tables, it might be an area the user marked
> using inverse video. Backlinking would also be important here.    (02)

Most definitely.  And a graph-based data model should be general enough to
enable fine-grained addressability of those types of documents.  Probably
something I should make more explicit in my paper.    (03)

> I had some difficulties with the term "graph-based data model." My mind kept on
> distracting itself with the question, "why write 'graph-based'? Why not
> 'graphical' as in everyday language?" Now I happen to know that you are a darn
> good writer, so you must have a good reason for using this term. (I gather that
> in the writing of your paper, your mindset was in a distinct mode -
> disciplining your thinking around sets and subsets, that sort of thing.)    (04)

I use the term "graph" in its mathematical context, not in the context of
graphics.  Hence, "graph-based" instead of "graphical."    (05)

> I further wondered what is meant by "data model." Sure, I can guess from
> context, but a guess is only a guess. Google was no help - try looking up
> "Infoset data model" and, if one survives that, figure out how this is a subset
> of a "standard data model" and why a graph-based data model is not a standard
> data model.    (06)

Good question.  See:    (07)

  http://www.eekim.com/ohs/papers/grovesintro/#04    (08)

> Initially, my musing led to the suggestion that
> (a) we ought to emphasize the value of making better use of the vernacular as
> an intermediary processor (IP) between people slaving in different professional
> and cultural niches (as the introduction to your document indeed tries to do),
> and
> (b) that articles ought be accompanied by an indication of what potential
> readers should already know about or understand or some indication of what
> readership an author wishes to address. It used to be that context carries the
> day (as indeed the title of your article does to an extent), but in a world of
> information ever-complexing we must somehow come up with better ways of
> communicating in addition to optimizing the use of hyperlinks. Or we all end up
> being able to communicate effectively only within our narrow niches and will be
> at loss everywhere else.    (09)

Both are interesting points.  Do you have some proposed solutions?    (010)

My suspicion is that the solutions to these problems would fall outside
the scope of the OHS itself.  That's not to say that these problems fall
outside the scope of Doug's mission.  Remember, the OHS is only a small
(but important) part of a tool system, which itself is only a small part
of an augmented human-tool system universe.  It's important to think about
the entire universe -- that is what Doug's philosophy is all about.  And
if the solutions to the problems you present above are not the OHS's
direct responsibility, the OHS developers must still be aware of those
problems, so they do not inadvertently deaugment those solutions.    (011)

> P.P.S. From DeXiderata referred to by our friend Eric Armstrong: "Listen to
> others, even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story and won't shut up
> until you have heard it."  ;-|    (012)

Don't worry, Henry; I'm a believer.  I've taught math to a lot of kids,
and have worked with a lot of non-technical people on technical issues.
I've learned too much from people of all demographics to believe that I
can ignore people on the basis of their job description, training, college
degree, or age.  And I've had too many patient mentors over the years to
believe that I can just ignore people who aren't as knowledgable about
certain areas, but who want to learn.    (013)

-Eugene    (014)

+=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== eekim@eekim.com ===== http://www.eekim.com/ ===+
|       "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they        |
+=====  can have an excuse to drink alcohol."  --Steve Martin  ===========+    (015)